January 8th, 2000. 20 years ago I made the biggest mistake of my life. Wearing shorts on stage? Dying my hair peroxide blonde? No. (although they are considered criminal offences to both fashion and comedy) Stepping on stage for the first time to do stand-up comedy. The mistake was that I enjoyed it, I got hooked and there's no turning back. I have punished audiences with my comedy professionally now all over the world. Comedy and travel have saved my life. I want to thank everyone who has ever given me stage time and to all those wonderful friends and fans far and wide who have supported me and continue to do so. It's been a hell of a ride. Looking forward to many more adventures to come. 💚😎
Below is the text from my diary entry of the first gig: *I am going to try and find my notes from the first show and if I can I'll record a set one day with that original material.
----- NO.1 Gig Westernport Hotel San Remo 1st day I performed stand-up comedy.
Tim Smith, Pete Rowsthorn, The Empty Pockets + The Push Carts all performing at the Westernport Hotel.
Up at around 8am and I was nervous all day wondering whether or not to get up tonight. wrote bits and pieces of comedy then went to pub at around 5ish. Worked on the door + had a few drinks. worried I’d forget material. Met all the comedians. Pete Rowsthorn was on first then the empty pockets then a break - Pete again + he introduced me. I didn’t feel too nervous once on stage and apart from a lot of talking in the crowd it went ok. Tim Smith followed me. Turned out 2 B just under 500 people. Wes reckons biggest ever. Tim + Pete said to drop their names when trying to get gigs. Not bad references! top nite. Wish I had it on video but I’ll get over it. Still haven’t heard from JJJ comedy comp. went to FRAZER’s house after pub then to a Woolami party. Stayed at Marty Fincher’s place. In bed at about 6am.